Robotics algorithms, derivations, concepts

Mostly notes from stuff I used in interviews.

Collision checking

  1. Broad phase(s) : get a list of entities that could be colliding. This could be with some tree structure, and/or something cheap like axis-aligned bounding boxes.
  2. Narrow phase : detailed check to see if entities are in collision.

Some ideas for narrow phase:

Checking if point is inside polygon:


Linear quadratic regulator/estimator (LQR, Kalman filter)

Both assume linear system, Gaussian noise.

$x_{t+1} = Ax_t+Bu_t+w_t,\ z_t = Hx_t + v_t$

$p(w) = N(0, Q), p(v) = N(0, R)$

Kalman filter: predict, update (fix $A,B,H, Q,R$. carry state and covariance matrix)

LQR derivation

Minimize value function:

$V_t = \sum_{\tau}^{N-1}(x_\tau^T Q x_\tau + u_\tau^T R u_\tau) + x_N^T Q_f x_N$

Assume V is quadratic: $V = z^T P_t z$, where P positive semi-definite

Then by dynamic programming, minimize cost

$u_t^\text{lqr} = \text{argmin}w(w^T R w + V{t+1}(Az + Bw))$

$V_t(z) = z^T Q z + \text{min}w(w^T R w + (Az + Bw)^T P{t+1} (Az+Bw))$

Set derivative to zero:

$2w^TR + 2(Az+Bw)^T P_{t+1}B = 0$

$w_{opt} = -(R + B^T P_{t+1} B)^{-1} B^T P_{t+1} A_z$

Kalman filter

Estimation error is $e_k = x_k - \hat{x}$

Minimize error covariance $P_k = E(e_k e_k^T)$ (outer product of vectors makes matrix)

Factor graphs



Sampling-based better for high-dimensional spaces, but no guarantees of optimality (except RRT* in the limit). Search-based algorithms can provide guarantees, but need to expand more states so they’re slow.

Construct & multiple-query (e.g. PRM) vs. one-shot (RRT)


  1. Sample $q_\text{rand}$
  2. Find $q_\text{near}$
  3. Extend towards it to get $q_\text{new}$
  4. Repeat until you reach goal

Other tricks: goal biasing, check if goal is reachable from $q_\text{new}$


Steps 1~3 same as RRT, with two steps after that

  1. Sample $q_\text{rand}$
  2. Find $q_\text{near}$
  3. Extend towards it to get $q_\text{new}$
  4. Check neighborhood of $q_\text{new}$ to see if it’s cheaper to get to $q_\text{new}$ from another $q_\text{nearest}$. If so, rewire (add/remove edge, basically change parent pointer)
  5. Check neighborhood of $q_\text{new}$ if it’s cheaper to get from $q_\text{new}$ to $q_\text{neighbor}$ if so, rewire



Canny edge detector

Input of Canny is output of Sobel edge detector, which does RGB to greyscale conversion, Gaussian blur, compute gradients in x and y directions (separately, with kernel convolution).

Canny does:

  1. Thin edges to 1 pixel wide (find maximum gradient on direction perpendicular to edge)
  2. Hysteresis thresholding - two values. Automatically accept gradients above top threshold, reject gradients above bottom threshold. Accept gradients in between two thresholds if they are connected to edges above top threshold.