

Ellipsoid representation is: $E={x \text{ | }(x-c)^TS(x-c)\leq 1}$

Taking SVD of $S$, and since that’s symmetric: $E={x \text{ | }(x-c)^TU\Sigma^2 U^T(x-c)\leq 1}$, where $\Sigma$ is diagonal matrix with elements $\Sigma_{ii}=\sigma_i$

This can be written as forward image of Euclidean unit ball under affine mapping: $E = {U\Sigma^{-1}v + c \text{ | } ||v||{2} \leq 1}$

Or inverse image of “” : $E = x \text{ | } {||\Sigma U^T(x-c)|| \leq 1}$

If S is inverse of covariance matrix, then this is the confidence ellipsoid of covariance matrix (with confidence “value” 1, which can be changed)

Computationally, it is most efficient to use Cholesky representation of ellipsoid, with parameters $c,L$ (because we can use forward substitution to solve for stuff, instead of taking inverses). See Algorithms for Ellipsoids for more
